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A second helping: Popular categories from 2011

As we enter this last month of 2011 we thought we would take a moment to revisit some of the most popular blog categories from this year.

  • In the words of our patients
    Whether it was a patient telling their story through us or as a guest blogger we were honored to share so many personal stories with our blog audience.
  • Diet & Nutrition
  • Diet & Nutrition was continually a hot topic area for us, whether it was understanding probiotics and how they can help your chemotherapy treatment plan or getting a better grasp of what whole foods are we hope you benefited from our articles on diet and nutrition. 
  • Being a Patient
  • Being a Patient is a category we created to help share tips, answer question and, when appropriate tell the stories of other patients. 
  • Talking with your Doctor
  • Talking with your Doctor covers areas that we feel are very important when talking with us, your doctors! A lot of times it's easy to get overwhelmed in the moment but hopefully our articles helped bring some clarity. 
  • For Support Partners
    From the beginning we said we wanted to create a resource for those undergoing a cancer diagnosis personally and those who are supporting someone with a cancer diagnosis. These articles always aimed to "support" our support partners.

Of course these are just a few categories. To view them all, just look to the left of your screen, under the word categories are everything we covered this year.

Reader Comments (1)

This is a great article, and a great topic to explore. Thanks for sharing.

December 20, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterArven

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