Dealing with a bad day ...
It was another scary day. It started this morning with a feeling of foreboding; the knowledge that this afternoon we (my husband, Jim, and I) would see the urologist to get the results of last week biopsy.
I’m glad I spent the morning volunteering in the Infusion Center. Ironic isn’t it? Here I dread the afternoon’s appointment, but happily spend all morning with brave strong people battling cancer. They’re wonderful. I really do get much more than I could ever give from them including their prayers. Yes. One or two noticed I was a “little off.” I asked them for their prayers explaining why.
One o’clock pm and Jim arrives. We drive to the urologist’s office and learn there is a cancerous mass and surgery is necessary. We tentatively schedule that for December 28th. Tomorrow we’ll meet with the oncologist, after the Tumor Board meeting. We can then put together the game plan. Of course, much will be determined after the surgery and the extent of the cancer “invasion” is known.
I stand on my soapbox crying out encouragingly, “It’s called LIVING with cancer!” And this is what it’s like. You take each day as it comes. You deal with what you can handle at the time and embrace all the wonderful resources available – especially the people who know, who care, and who support.
Jim is one of those people. He’s amazing. He’s certainly not eagerly anticipating this next hurdle, but he faces it with an attitude of “Let’s get in and get it done.” He makes this much easier for me. I hope I do the same for him.