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Your Inpatient Admission: What to expect

As an oncology patient being admitted to Providence St. Peter Hospital's Oncology Unit you may be experiencing feelings of fear and worry to the unknown.

As a Magnet® Hospital we are proud of the individualized care we give to each and every patient and you are no different.

First and foremost, we encourage family involvement and have even provided a private room with a couch that makes into a bed for over night guests. From the patient’s perspective, you will notice a long Admission and Discharge process.

We know you are sick and don’t feel well, but research shows it is at these junctures that many medical errors occur. You will receive a patient armband with a barcode on it, don’t worry, this is just how the computer sees you! We pride ourselves in seeing our patients as people first and patients second.

However, it is this barcode that makes sure your care is charted and documented in our electronic medical records which means higher quality care for you. Upon arrival we’ll also need your height, weight, and any current medication and allergy information you have. We recommend writing down the names and proper dosages of all the herbs, vitamins, and prescriptions you take and your preferred current pharmacy. This process is important for your safety to prevent double dosing or administering a medication to you that interacts negatively with other things you may be taking.

Since we see many of our Oncology patients on a repeat basis, with no change to personal information (same address, insurance, allergy, and emergency contact information), we have provided a “fast track” card that you can obtain from the registration/admitting desk to speed your admission time along on your subsequent visits. Just show the registration/admission desk personnel your fast-track card and they will open a current account, obtain a patient identification band, and assist in transporting you upstairs.

What to bring:

  • Copy of your health care directive/POLST form
  • Any uncommonly prescribed or expensive medications you take at home (chances are the hospital does not carry them).
  • Personal toiletry items
  • Favorite books, cell phone, MP3, lap top, charger etc.
  • Clothes to wear home

What NOT to bring:

  • Any valuables (cash, jewelry, etc.)
  • Any tobacco products (they are prohibited on our campus)
  • Any pain pills, anxiety, sleeping, or nausea meds. (We will provide these for you here).

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