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Your Inpatient Stay: What to expect

Our medical oncologists are available on the oncology floor from 8:00 am until 5:00 pm Monday through Friday and the on-call Oncologists are available after 5:00 pm on week days, weekends and holidays. . These doctors work closely with your other physicians , nurses and the healthcare team to make sure that your care is as well-coordinated as possible.

The oncology floor is also staffed by certified oncology nurses, clinical oncology pharmacists, nutritionists and case managers (who work in both the inpatient and outpatient cancer programs).

During your stay with us you can expect several things:

  • Physician Visit: Your physician will visit you at least once a day to make sure your medical needs are cared for and to discuss your progress toward your goal of care.
  • Medication: You will likely have intravenous (IV) fluid running, and be given different medications to help you feel well.
  • Nursing bedside report: Nursing bedside reporting is performed at shift changes. As your off going nurse introduces you to your oncoming nurse, they will do a safety check on your IV’s, drains, & dressings and exchange pertinent information about you and the plan of your care. We encourage you to ask questions or add to the conversation as you are an important part of the care team.
  • Family Involvement: We encourage family involvement and have even provided a private room with a couch that makes into a bed for over night guests. Laundry facilities are available on the unit for anyone who requires a longer stay with us.
  • Ask questions! If you need any information on your disease process or resources available as an outpatient, please do not hesitate to express your needs so we may help you.
  • Family Room: A family room is available on the Oncology Unit with a computer workstation so your family can access email and cancer resource websites. There are many cancer brochures and other resources available in the Family Room.
  • Nutrition Room: The kitchen located on the Oncology Unit has a refrigerator where food and special nutritional supplements brought in by family members can be stored so you can enjoy your favorite foods.

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